Sprucing up your garden with roses

Roses love the sun and nutritious soil, but there are roses that can do with less. Find out which roses can spruce up your garden in difficult places. And who doesn’t love roses right? A rose bush will bloom most abundantly in a sunny spot in nutrient-rich soil, but fortunately, there are roses that are so strong that they are willing to grow in a less than perfect spot. So you can still enjoy the fragrant flowers. It is important to provide good soil and sufficient fertilizer, so the rose can grow and bloom to its full potential.

Roses in (semi) shade

Rose Garden GazeboRoses prefer to be in the sun. Even species like those listed below prefer at least 2 to 3 hours of sun per day. They can tolerate less sun, but will not grow as fast. In any case, provide fertilized soil if the rose will be in a (semi-)shady spot.

Improve poor soil

If the soil is poor, make sure to improve the soil with garden soil and Vivimus before planting so the rose gets a good start. Fertilize your rose several times a year with organic fertilizer.

For example, right after pruning in March, in June when most roses are in bloom and in the fall before the roses go into winter. In winter, a layer of compost to protect the base is a good idea. Also make sure the soil doesn’t dry out in the summer.

  • Groundcover rose, Rosa ‘Bluesy’ (purple)
  • Spray rose and/or ground cover, Rosa ‘Bonica 82’ (pink)
  • Groundcover rose, Rosa ‘Red Meidiland’ (red)
  • Japanese bottelroos, Rosa rugosa ‘Robusta’ (rood)
  • Japanese rose or ripple rose, Rosa rugosa ‘Alba’ (white)
  • Climbing Rose

March is an excellent time to plant roses in the garden. Dig a large planting hole and spread the roots of the rose well. If necessary, you can shorten damaged roots a little. Fill with good garden soil, press firmly, and water generously.

There are two methods of planting roses.

1. The first is to plant the so-called bare root roses, without a pot, root ball, and sand. You can plant these from October to May if there is no frost in the ground.

2. The second method is to plant potted roses. These can be planted year-round and they come with a permanent root ball. Potted roses are usually planted between May and October. Both methods are guaranteed to be successful.

Take your time

  • Make a planting hole as wide and deep as possible, so that the roots are well spread out in the planting hole and so deep that the breeding point [where the green stems emerge from the root] is planted 2 to 3 inches below the ground.
  • Pour 5 liters of potting soil on the root and press it down.
  • Fill in the rest of the planting hole with the surrounding soil. Press this down firmly as well.

It is a good idea to water the plant afterward so that the roots can quickly take hold in the soil. We would like to point out that organic fertilizer or manure should never be sprinkled in the planting hole. Always fertilize after planting and hoe the manure into the top layer of soil.

It is also good before planting to enrich your soil with compost. In addition, you can add lime once every three years. Happy planting!

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About the Author: Andre Rogers

Andre Rogers has been a content and opinion writer for many popular online publications over the years. Andre is now our chief editor at Louisiana Informer. Andre specializes in current trends and technology.